
Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

jestersix said:
Hey Jim, let me know if you want some gorgonian frags. Have some coming along nicely if you are interested.

Thanks John...the ones I got from you are growing slowly, but surely. :) I picked up one similar to the one I got from you that has a purple base with brown (tentacles) ? It's much more dense though...I could cut a frag of that when it grows out for you. Do you have a yellow or other color gorgonian ? I can cut a piece of Calfo sinularia I got from John (Screebo)for you also....I think you can see it in the latest vid I made (pinkish color on bottom right of vid).

I noticed one of the seale cardinalfish with a serious chunk of it's fin torn off. I suspect it's the dominant female chasing off other cardinalfish while it's mate is mouth brooding (below). Should I be concerned about infection ?
I have seen worst injuries on my wrasses and they healed up fine. I would not be too concern with the chasing or the torn fin, but do keep an eye on them to make sure that they get their fair share of food.
I do have a frag of the Singapore Yellow and I think a small Purple (both are small but grow pretty steady)...I would love a frag of the Calfo sinularia - very cool piece. I have a coulpe of non- photosynthetics that are pretty easy, but I tend to feed a ton - you may not want to mess with those.

If all goes well, I'll be at the frag swap if not sooner!
Jim, I have a pair of them and they are gorgeous. They keep getting better as they get larger, but they pick at SPS. Anytime there is something even close to tissue damage, they go to town. They are the entire reason I am keeping the 300 as a fish only tank!
h20player101 said:
Jim, I have a pair of them and they are gorgeous. They keep getting better as they get larger, but they pick at SPS. Anytime there is something even close to tissue damage, they go to town. They are the entire reason I am keeping the 300 as a fish only tank!

I think if you have enough coral it's not that big of a problem..the problem is when you don't. :eek: