got ethical husbandry?

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Glad to see he's looking for fish to clean! Hope the ProfiLux is treating you well and is programmed the way you wanted. ;)
The cleaner wrasse actually escaped the acclimate box...I guess he couldn't wait to start cleaning! Thanks for all your help w/the programming of the Profilux controller D. :)
What was strange about them? I happened to see a few that looked unhealthy in a big way, but didn't really dwell on it too much to see if more were like them
Bah....I'm keeping mostly LPS and softies in the main display.

Yeah, I have been leaning away from the painted sticks a little bit myself.
I like the flow and motion of the softies. More forgiving as well.
Although I was thinking of getting more encrusting types, to cover the rocks.