
Hello everyone

I joined this community a few weeks ago and thought i'd throw in an intro about myself. My name is Mohamed, and live in Santa Clara. I'm an Electrical Engineer working for a Semiconductor company. I am literally a hobby freak and seem to have way too many interests. Some of my things include everything RC (planes, gliders, helis, and cars), road and mountain cycling, modifying and track racing cars, boating and fishing.

I started reefing back in 2003 and started with a standard 60G tank. I then had some changes in my life and moved to a much simpler 12G nano setup which started as salt, then fresh water then back to salt water. 2 months ago I got the urge to put together a new setup and went with the Oceanic 57G illuminata. The tank has been running for 6 weeks now. I will likely start a tank journal for it here. Thanks.
welcome mohamed........ if you enjoy good company and real good info and help join the club... its the best 20$ a year you can spend...

benefits are
great meatings and speakers
dbtc program

plus were are like a family around here and very helpful to one and other, enjoy your time on the forums
Paypal done. Thanks for the welcome.

FTS as of two weeks ago, boy i'm full to the rim with corals!

Nice tank. I hope those rocks are glued/epoxied together, look a little precarious. You should start a tank journal, post pics of the sump too.
I'm in Santa Clara.

Glue and epoxy is overrated imo, i read some yo mad spellz that I learned from this show in Vegas and that works pretty dang well!. JK, acrylic rods running throughout brotha.

Tank journal coming soon...