High Tide Aquatics

Hey everyone! Looking to get back in with a FOWLR type tank

Hello everyone! Long time no post/see/chat! Hope everyone is well!

The "first baby" craziness has subsided, the house is set, the yard is done and everyone is happy. I finally have a little time to put up a tank in our new place! As much as I would love to setup a full reef like before, I don't have that much time on my hands and was interested in maybe setting up a Fish Only With Live Rock type tank. I've read about them a lot in the past and read the maintenance is MUCH less than a full reef. As far as I understand, there isn't nearly as much water testing, cleaning, water changes, etc... Am I right? Would anyone who has had both a FOWLR and a full reef tank care to put in their $.02 on the differences?

That is step 1, making sure I will have the time I need to dedicate to a tank.

If that pans out, I then need to figure out what equipment is needed for a FOWLR type tank. I still have everything from my old setup (see here: http://www.bareefers.org/home/node/8463), 2x250W MH (are these even cool anymore or is it all LED now?), an RS80 skimmer, ReefKeeper Elite, and all those fun things.
I haven't run a FOWLR before. But I think your equipment is perfectly fine. In fact you probably have more light than you need since you aren't going to be growing coral.
You can probably get everything you need and then some at Erin's pad.

Oh...you would will be surprised how long 20 bucks goes with Erin. ;)
Erin, I don't get it.

Glad to see the group is still the same group of twisted individuals it was when I left. :)

Steve, we are in San Lorenzo, 10 minutes away from Chabot! (Are the meetings still at Chabot?)
And of course, funny you ask I bought some Pliny the Elder at the store the other day and thought about that time you hooked me up!
Must've been more of my confusion. I did not see your full credentials. My apologies. I do have enough scraps out back should you need. I bid you welcome and let the water flow and the fish be fed!