High Tide Aquatics

How would you stock a Reefer 170?

Here is all I have on my list so far

10-20 trochus snails
harelquin shrimp (will be fed by my reefer 450’s constant production of astrena stars)
purple firefish
Midas blenny
mystery wrasse or pintail wrasse...probably mystery. I’ve always wanted one.
maybe a two spot hogfish last.
Dang. I did some reading. I guess mystery wrasses don’t get along with other wrasses. Too bad. I’ll probably scratch that one off the list.
You may want a small algae eater.

Be careful with Wrasse.
They jump, they eat anything that fits in their mouth, they can be aggressive,
they love snails and shimp, they wipe out all your pods, etc.
Of course, they are fun fish....

What type of clownfish bit you?
I still think a pair normal boring ocellaris clownfish are on of best reef tank fish.
And I have not heard stories of those biting.

Bangaii cardinals?

But a fun small-ish tank suggestion: How about a Goby tank
Clown goby
Cour jester goby
Convict goby
Yellow watchman goby
Many more.
Since they stay small and are fairly peaceful, you can have quite a few, and a pretty wide variety.
@rygh the female of my pair of basic captive bred clowns I got from Neptune is pretty aggressive. It doesn’t break skin but it always shocks me when I feel the nibble. I mostly use big tweezers now, and she tries to bite those too.
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My solo ocellaris clown is pretty bitty too. The water change hose gets the worst of it. Hates that hose. Ive read people mention the older they get the grumpier they become? Mine has been too grumpy for too long to remember when it wasn't grumpy. With all that said, I am pretty sure i will always have at least one clown. Great fish and love the style of swimming movements they make.
Clowns definitely have little man syndrome

What does everyone think for an algae eater? Tough in a nano tank
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Blenny is must - my favorite is Snowflake Blenny aka Starry Blenny - full of personality, peaceful and fun to watch. Also never seen him eat algea.
My neighbor call him Wally cause it reminds her walrus :)
I had a blenny that was sold as a yellow eye but I think it was a bicolor. Or maybe that’s the same thing?

But that fish loved to graze on algae and was a big fan of nori. I think it’s a gamble with blennys if they’ll eat algae or not. With this tank a big skimmer and an army of snails should keep the algae at bay? I never had any big algae issues in my 170.
Here is all I have on my list so far

10-20 trochus snails
harelquin shrimp (will be fed by my reefer 450’s constant production of astrena stars)
purple firefish
a couple bagnai cardinals
Midas blenny
some sort of fairy wrasse
maybe a two spot hogfish last.