Neptune Aquatics

Jan 11th BOD meeting

BAR will be holding it's bi monthly board of directors meeting at Chabot College on SUNDAY Jan 11th, I will post the exact location at the school shortly (thanks Steve!!).

Agenda items include-

DBTC tracking
Blast emailing
Swap logistics
Banner status
Reworking descriptions of offices
New meeting location
New sponsorship request

We will be doing some fragging for the upcoming swap at this meeting, if you'd like to bring something to frag be sure and bring plenty of water (gallons) in a container that will retain heat, along with the coral of course :D. We encourage early fragging for the upcoming swap to ensure high survival rates via ample healing time. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

Also, If you are not currently a member, but would like to become one and attend the BAR member only swap in February this meeting is required along with becoming a member in '09 in order to qualify. We are currently changing the swap dates in order to rectify the qualification issues, sorry for any inconvenience.
Sounds good.
I'll be there with Acan and Fungia to frag. Unless I get stuck in Tahoe ;-)

I also would like to participate in discussing the DBTC tracking effort.
So we can Pay someone at this meeting to become a member.
(I have personaly dislike PayPal)
Did someone post a time, and I missed it above? or will that be anounced later?
We're looking to start fragging ~12:00 with the meeting starting at 1:00.

AFA payment we do prefer PayPal, if you'd like contact Bryan (Seminolecpa) and see what he can do for you.
Also remember as Jeremy mentioned above:

"if you'd like to bring something to frag be sure and bring plenty of water (gallons) in a container that will retain heat, along with the coral of course."

Also remember to bring some extra containers to take the coral frags home with you.
I'm just looking forward to watching you guys frag. I've always just went at it my own way so this will be interesting to see others do it and the techniques that are being used.
I just found out about a family emergency and will be going out of town for a few weeks, thus will be missing this meeting.

When discussion of future meeting sites comes up, please would someone mention the Romberg Tiburon Center as a possible site for some meetings? ( Norm, Ian, Jim, Rich and others have been out there and so have a general idea. We've got space for presentations, BBQs, and aquarium space for fragging. The one thing we don't have is corals for sale...I know it's a north bay location, but at least a couple of club members live in Marin or the northern part of the east bay, so might be worth considering as a once-in-a-while place.
Smart and Final is a good source for cheap containers for frags. As Tony said we are pretty well completely out of the ones we bought a while back.

We do accept cash payments for membership but only at meetings (BOD or regular meetings). The reason we use paypal as the main method is it makes tracking and administration easier it is worth it to us even though we have to pay almost a dollar on every registration. Meetings especially regular meetings and swaps can be chaotic with the raffle sales and all of the supply sales , having to keep track of a few cash payments aren't a problem but if there were a ton, I would be worried some may not get accounted for properly. Paypal give us a nice clean record of who paid and when they paid it and allows for us to accept payment at any time.
someone must have been using a 2008 calendar because i received an email titled "Important Update: BOD Meeting Sun Jan 13th 2009"
Dammit! Sundays I can't do - and I was looking forward to getting frags to unsadden my tank!

Anyway, I'll need to get the ICGEL to someone going to the meeting - who shall it be?