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Looking for 3 volunteers - to help me frag corals for the swap this Sat at OT


Supporting Member
Hello guys,

Looking for 3 volunteers - to help me frag corals for the swap this Sat at Ocean Treasures at like 1pm. Let me know if you are interested.
Dam I would love to come, but I am taking th Family to Tahoe this weekend!

If you need anything as far as supplies thought, let me know
Sorry Arnold, I'd offer but I still have a semi-open open wound on my hand from fishtank disaster 1, so I'm trying to stay away from saltwater for a while.
Love to, but the three or four times I've tried to go there I've not found parking, I wind up driving around and around, getting frustrated and leaving.
What time are you thinking? and for how long?

I have family related things that day, but since I live 5 minutes away I might be able to swing by if the time coincides.
Really I never have problem finding parking (on weekends)- I do pay a meter, but parking is usaully about 1 block away for me. geez - 4 replies all saying they can't.... 1pm Daniel - maybe 1 hour?
Ok so it looks like I have - 1pm at Ocean treasures - my cell is 415-971-4253

Dave (have we met? I can't remember)
Eileen - who will bring the containers

thanks! Jeremy you can still come too. Charles can visit just to see my new tank too. : )
I've been to a few meetings... you might recognize me...

Do you need any labels for the containers?

Do you have enough containers? I have a bunch of the Smart & Final 1 & 2 cup clear plastic containers, if you need more...

See you Saterday!

No Containers, but bring your fraging tools if you have them.....I have decided to let them sit in the store until next weekend.
All i have for fraging is a dremel. Should I bring this? I dont have the diamond blades all you fancy smanshy people use though.
Hey Arnold,

I'm looking for a reason to get out of the house this weekend. I've got two pairs of dikes I just boiled for my fragging. Looks like you have enough hands, just keep me informed if you need me.

Nothing stopping you from stopping the store to say hello or help ( if needed) most of the help I got can only stay 1 hour so maybe if you can stay longer - show up.