
Mav's 57 Rimless

Here's a quick info about my tank:

57 Oceanic Illuminata tank
ATB Econo V1.5
Auto Top Off ATO
Dual BRS WM Bio Pellets and Carbon
Outer Orbit 250HQI w/T5s
Vortech MP10
Tunze 6025&6045(x2)
RKL Controller
2X Drew's Dosing Pump for 2 Part WM
Fish: Maroon Clown and Midas Blenny

It's been up for almost a year now. It was doing good for the most part but had some ALK issues this past November and most of my prize SPS didn't make it. I finally got my parameters all stable for the past couple weeks and everything looks good. A new year is coming and it's time for a new start. I mostly have LPS, chalices,one SPS and some zoas. I'm looking forward of learning more and being a part of this club.

Here are some progression shots of the tank when I first set it up and now....
















Sorry for the boat load of pics but it brings back memories...hehe. I was thinking of downgrading 'cause we're moving, this week, but that won't happen 'til later next year. Tank will still be running at the same place...for now. Thanks for looking :)
I really like it and no hitchhikers and nuisance algae. They are also easy to do any scape possible. I still got BA tho 'cause I might have transferred some when I moved the corals from my RSM tank. Now is the perfect time 'cause they have free shipping on all key largo rocks.
Tank is coming down early next year and still looking for a replacement downgrade tank. I'm checking the Cadlight Artisan or a Elos Midi or even a Mini tank. I want to still use a sump and use the same equipment I have now except the tank and stand. Any suggestions are all welcome. Tank and stand combo would be ideal :)
anathema said:
Hmmwhy is it coming down? I have the same tank, is yours having problems?

It's been running for almost a year now and it was doing great but had ALK problems a couple months ago and loss all my SPS. All the rest non-SPS are doing good tho. I just recently moved a couple weeks ago and a smaller tank would be best in my new place. I really like the tank but a smaller one should do the trick.
eldiablosrt8 said:
looks good man............ what rock did you use( marco??)

FWIW Marco Rocks sells many different dry rocks so it's best to use the actual name of the rock rather then a company name :) IE. Key Largo, Pukani, EcoRock, etc
It's Key Largo Rock I got Jess.... :)

Mike- It wasn't really entirely my decision, my wifey aka "the big boss", want something with a matching stand that is pleasing to the eye and budget friendly... :bigsmile:
eldiablosrt8 said:
damn u gresh!!!!!!!!!!!!lol just wondering im in market to redo my display

I was pretty sure it was Key Largo but I just couldn't tell :) I'm a HUGE Key Largo fan. I love the stuff. Marc is doing flat slabs and pieces you can glue to the back of your tank, or the bottom ;)
I might be going with a Elos mini for my downgrade. Anybody here own one before? Have some questions regarding the sump area and which alternative skimmer is better than the stock one? Thanks!
mavjoy said:
I might be going with a Elos mini for my downgrade. Anybody here own one before? Have some questions regarding the sump area and which alternative skimmer is better than the stock one? Thanks!

Bump :)