Reef nutrition

Neptune Spitfire Chalice


Neptune Aquatics
LFS Owner
Hey...what do you guys think of this piece we just got in? We're thinking of naming it the "Spitfire" chalice but since you guys seems to come up with way better ones than our cheesy version, we think it would be cool see what's everyone else gonna come up with.





Winner will get a free frag! (if we decided to do it. Otherwise, we'll substitute for a different chalice).

Good luck!

Robert and Cerissa
Awesome names guys! We like so many but we have a winner here from Glee with "IRONMAN"! The coral represent our favorite super hero well!



Congratulation Gavin! We'll let you know when to pick the frag shortly.

Robert and Cerissa
As soon as I saw this Chalice, the first thing that came to mind is "pop tart" LOL I think you should call it

"rasberry pop tart chalice" LOL

Please take the frag back from Gavin and giving it to .......... ME .... LOL
#1 Pele's Promise chalice
#2 Altered States chalice

Looks great, I'll be in on Sunday.........not to beg a frag of "Ironman" chalice but just to look around! :cool:

What did you think of Robert Downey Jr's role in Iron Man? I think it was one of his best.
Jbon said:
Some people think that these are worth a fortune!

Is that the original FT? or a wanna-be? I thought the OG FT has orange ring?