
New store opens today!

I'll add a bit as a Sponsor (especially since I'm an out of town guy with no Brick & Mortar). BAR was really a big factor in jestersix getting off the ground, and we navigated my unusual position over time. Times and people have changed - when I started my involvement with BAR, Forums were the biggest vehicle for information transfer and the meetings were as much social as reef related. Times have changed. I get very little communication from any of the Clubs I sponsor - and even less from their respective Forums. BAR is about the only Forum I check on a regular basis and that communicates with me from the BOD level other than around Swap time. I hear from more people on Facebook and Instagram. As an old timer in the saltwater community (yeah, I was around way before this "reef" thingy came around) I've seen things change but still at the heart is communication and a sense of community.

BAR still seems to have both of those going on - but as in any situation, things can always be better.
IMO, the BoD has the right, if not the responsibility, to change how the club operates in accord to what it's current membership wants, regardless of what it is they may change.

The way I look at it Kessil/Neptune/Reef Nutrition were "sponsors" (in a way) of the club, I would hardly say they have a brick and mortar store front even though the companies are somewhat local, also the "local" aspect is relative to the member.

But then again this topic has diverged greatly from that of a new store opening :)
Well since we're all listening, has anyone considered having a private forum for members only?

And I would love to attend board meetings, but it's hard to make it in person (I'm sure that's the case for the BOD as well). Perhaps move it into modern times and meet virtually, conference call, chat room, or even private thread.

I would like to know how much it costs to be a sponsor, but understand that we might not want to post that publicly.

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I like vendors at the swap.
I don't always have anything ready to swap, so it can be fun to just show up, talk to people, and maybe buy a couple of things.
Lol just realized there is such a forum, called "club business." Why don't we move this there?

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Well since we're all listening, has anyone considered having a private forum for members only?

And I would love to attend board meetings, but it's hard to make it in person (I'm sure that's the case for the BOD as well). Perhaps move it into modern times and meet virtually, conference call, chat room, or even private thread.

I would like to know how much it costs to be a sponsor, but understand that we might not want to post that publicly.

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there is a bod forum that y'all normal folk can't quite see where we talk bad about people...mostly you.

I believe we still ask for $250 worth of donations per year from our sponsors. Most of them have been super generous and given way more than that. So much so that I've really never felt the need to keep track.

I believe a few years back a new bod member got a little too far out over their skis and circulated a document to our sponsors essentially demanding a higher donation amount without the knaowledgw or consent of the rest of the board.
I know first hand that didn't sit well with at least one former sponsor. I tried to smooth it over and believe the amount we ask is still $250. Unfortunately that sponsor is no longer around, and neither is the member who kinda screwed that up, so they probably don't even care. Bummer.
I like vendors at the swap.
I don't always have anything ready to swap, so it can be fun to just show up, talk to people, and maybe buy a couple of things.

My thoughts exactly! As a noob, I have nothing to swap. Would be nice if the vendors will have frag packs available for swapping [emoji1360]

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I will not make a post in a thread made to announce Jimmy new store, not the place. I am more than happy to express my concerns in general with sponsorship and how clubs used to protect and support Brick n Mortars. Or even how BAR used to only allow B&M to sponsor and how i had to wait a few months after opening before i even got that chance versus nowadays

Good Luck Jimmy and partners. Wish you nothing the but the best!!!
I will not make a post in a thread made to announce Jimmy new store, not the place. I am more than happy to express my concerns in general with sponsorship and how clubs used to protect and support Brick n Mortars. Or even how BAR used to only allow B&M to sponsor and how i had to wait a few months after opening before i even got that chance versus nowadays

Good Luck Jimmy and partners. Wish you nothing the but the best!!!
I would definitely like to hear more in your sponsor forum if you're willing!