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Time-lapse Newb: Secret life of snails

Only because its so easy to share the link, here is my first youtube time-lapse movie of my biocube.

Its not a big deal but for me seeing how alive and busy things are at 10 times the speed is really cool.

The sun comes up after 30 seconds, then half way through the lights kick on.
The Palys seem happy, those zoanthids are almost gone, the NEVER opened fully - they are melting away and I have no idea why. But like I said, I'm a newb so eventually I'll figure it all out. If not, I'll have a tank of star polyps :)

I have a mac and a web cam. I found this awesome timelapse tool called Gawker

Besides the fact that its free, its really simple to use. I wish keeping coral was as easy.

Thanks for checking it out!~