Reef nutrition

Yellowstone and the Tank


Supporting Member
We got back from Yellowstone and Idaho last night. Had to drive through a horrible rainstorm coming back through the Sierras. Actually scary when it takes a while for the wipers to clear the windshield after being splashed by trucks and cars. But we made it. We discovered the joy of listening to books on CDs while driving. Two hard days of driving there and back.

Yellowstone was awesome! Geothermal features everywhere. Lots of bison and elk, no Bullwinkle or Yogi, though. Fumeroles all over the place. Hot water draining into rivers. Fabulously colored bacterias growing in different temp waters. Very few people this time of year. Beautiful weather, all but the first day, when we didn't really know what to expect and it was overcast and windy and we froze our butts off. Roads built along beautiful rivers. Snow and icey waters in places. Old Faithful was amazing. Almost unnatural because of it's predictability. We easily could have spent another week, especially since I didn't fish at all. Could see trout in the river under a bridge.

But my tank didn't fair too well with me being gone for 10 days. 2 or 3 poccis died, a stag from Eilleen fell on a hammer and they both died. 3 leathers don't look too good, but I hope they'll make it. Eric's Kong's Eye is almost gone. Parameters look OK, but I need to test for nitrates and probably due a water change. Just heard an electrical sizzling noise and my MH went out? Not sure what happened. Better go check it out.

Glad to hear that you had a good time. That is one trip that the wife and I plan on taking the kids on 1 of these days.

Hope all works out with the tank. Having tanks like these can make it hard and stressful to go on trips some times.
That's a long time to have kids in a car, although with videos and that kinda stuff these days, it might not be too bad.