got ethical husbandry?

2022 Event Schedule


Supporting Member
BAR Event Schedule for 2022:
2/5 (Sat) 4pm Speaker Talk - Coral identification (Russell Kelley from BYO guides)
2/6 (Sun) Reefing restaurant get together: Bowl of Pho @1pm
2/8 (Tues) 7pm BOD mtg (link to info here)
2/18 (Fri) 5pm Zoom meetup/happy hour (click here for details)
2/26 (Sat) 1pm Fragging workshop @Fish Doctor, Pacifica (click here for details)

3/5 (Sat) @5pm Speaker Talk - Vincent Chalias (click here for details)
3/19 (Sat) Members Only Frag Swap, registration @10:15a , swap 11a-1p, location TBA (click here for details)
5/20 (Fri) 11:30am-1:00pm Monterrey Bay Aquarium behind-the scenes tour (feat. the new “Into the Deep” exhibit) (click here for details)
6/11 (Sat) Fragging workshop, High Tide Aquatics, 2819 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602 (click here for details)
7/16 (Sat) 11:30a registration/12-2p swap: Member’s Only Frag Swap, Seven Stills, San Francisco (click here for details)
9/3 (Sat) Speaker Talk - Book Author theme *Labor day weekend
9/23 (Fri) & 9/24 (Sat) Coral Farmers Market (BAR will have a booth)

Remaining events to be scheduled:
Speaker Talk - ideas? Need help contacting a QT fish vendor.
Reefer restaurant get together - suggestions?
Holiday potluck (Target end of Dec)

- virtual talks (Zoom) - to meet our goal for education/husbandry. Also, because virtual events is one thing COVID can’t ruin!
- Members only Frag swap
- Reefing restaurant get togethers
- Workshop/DIY events
- End of year holiday potluck (fingers crossed!)
- Aquarium tour (Steinhart, Monterrey Bay) or Tide Pool outing
- Zoom social meetups/happy hours (spontaneous tank tours may occur) - we’ll schedule these extemporaneously
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The original schedule was an aspirational guideline, we aren’t sticking to it particularly.

Are we still following this Calendar? Did we have a speaker on 10/1 or did I miss it?
You didn’t miss anything. It has been difficult to try to line up speakers.

Also, what’s the status of the 10/TBA members only frag swap?
We are not having a frag swap this month since we just had the open swap.

We are definitely planning an end-of-year event likely in early December. Still working on important details but it will likely include a potluck, speaker, and mini-swap.

There was some discussion of maybe a DIY event before that, details not finalized yet.
Remaining events updated. What are your suggestions for events between now and Dec 22? We could schedule the holiday potluck for Dec 10/Sat if everyone is generally ok with that. We do need someone to host it.