Neptune Aquatics


Im good for now. don't want my green file fish to have an expensive feast like he has had already . LOL

Don't worry , I'll get my hands on them and will pass this around again and MINE are FREE
650-IS350 said:
Im good for now. don't want my green file fish to have an expensive feast like he has had already . LOL

Don't worry , I'll get my hands on them and will pass this around again and MINE are FREE

Hope you don't have to buy back your own coral you gave out free lol =
iCon said:
650-IS350 said:
Im good for now. don't want my green file fish to have an expensive feast like he has had already . LOL

Don't worry , I'll get my hands on them and will pass this around again and MINE are FREE

Hope you don't have to buy back your own coral you gave out free lol =

Yeah man, thats all bad.
I have some .but they did a color shift when put under my LED's. They seem to be gaining back the pink now.
When fully back I will have a few good size frags "for FREE". Thanks again Charles
No prob man.

Yeah, I won't be starting up my recollection of Z's and P's till I get my file fish out... took a real liking to certain expensive and inexpensive Z's and P's.. cleaned them off the frag plugs and Rocks.
650-IS350 said:
No prob man.

Yeah, I won't be starting up my recollection of Z's and P's till I get my file fish out... took a real liking to certain expensive and inexpensive Z's and P's.. cleaned them off the frag plugs and Rocks.

Charles, I have some Rastas for you when you get your filefish out.

Not to hijack - I'm interested in the Space Monsters when some frags resurface.
I recall you're out in SF. If you ever get out to Walnut Creek, I can get you a Space Monster.

I was given this as a Tyree Space Monster from Tri (zoalover) down in Milpitas. I think he said he got it from Kes a while back.

Looks like you've been very generous with DBTC, so happy to share back a few polyps back...
Just get me back if I ever lose my colony. ^_^

OR, should I start my own DBTC thread since I'm RESTARTING a chain?

Yeah it be sweet if I can get a polyp back from my original colony. I got those direct from Gonzo when he first released it years ago. File fish gone lol
i have a small cluster, but it's no more than a few polyps. don't know how i can frag them but if we can figure out a way, you can have a polyp