Our mission

Dead red porites

#6 Coral reefer
#18 Yardartist
see you guys at the swap.
a very small frag chipped off so there may be another if it survives.
Stay tuned :)
yardartist said:
Its becoming prep for the swap mode around here, at least at my house. Thanks Jon.

Same here, my labeling is done, fragging done, coolers cleaned, extra water mixing. I'm not even going to go out for Friday night sushi since I always wind up feeling like I got hit by a truck at swaps along with only getting a few hours of sleep. It's Palak chicken, naan, lentils and lager tonight and early to bed :D
sfboarders said:
tuberider said:
yardartist said:
Its becoming prep for the swap mode around here, at least at my house. Thanks Jon.
It's Palak chicken, naan, lentils and lager tonight and early to bed :D

Fog City Pizza? :D

No way, not that Raj doesn't make the best palak paneer I've ever had, he does, let's just say I can hold my own in that arena too :) Especially the naan.
sfboarders said:
Is that place good? Pretty weird combination they have there (pizza/Indian food). :D

Yep, better than the place in Pacifica. Raj worked in NY making pizzas as a kid, IMO he makes the best pizza on the coast (that you can buy, the best are at my house really), Mezza Luna is a very close second, but their oven isn't hot enough to fire tipo '00' flour yet they continue to use it.

AFA the Indian food, it's pretty damn tasty. I can make it for much cheaper at home and it is equally as good (better naan at my place :D)
OK Jeremy, now I'm craving naan! No good Indian food close (well, Fresno...but who wants to go there?). And we live in a pizza wasteland...

I admit, I REALLY miss living in the Bay Area. See ya in the AM! By the time I get up there, I will have driven pushing 2000 miles in the last week - hope you have some coffee...strong coffee.
I just added my frag to the chain data. It is growing well as it has tripled in size. I could care less it was a tiny frag, it is a beautiful animal. Thanks JAR. Will be a while before it can be cut up for gen 2, but I have you covered at any time too. Hope yours outgrows what is going on.
Update pic, finally starting to grow!