Reef nutrition

Fish doc needs help

Which Apex head unit? Did you move it in the same building where the wifi is the same?
Believe it wasn’t the newer EL one. Different building, but maybe same router as it used to Be connected to. Not sure if that bag matters or the modem or if it’s gonna be different because it’s a new address. Who knows. I hate using computers.
Hey all and happy Monday to you.
Here is the issue I am having..
After moving tank to a new location and after getting apex back online in fusion the power bar (eb8) is not powering the outlets. Unit is an Apex El with Wi-fi built in.


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Waiting for Neptune to open this morning and calling them to try and get this issue resolved if anybody has any other information regarding this please help I’m sure it would help me and my customer and possibly another bar member at a later date.

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My only suggestion: Keep it simple when debugging.
Disconnect everything except Apex head unit and power bar.
Then turn each relay on/off manually.
Give me access. I will need the serial number to the Apex.

It’s already set up with access to fusion given to Neptune support serial number is #9727

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When I last addressed my home network and Apex I reset the unit using the “paper clip port”. The reboot button on the bottom. Might do the trick for you.
Unplug the DOS and the WXM from the system. Does it still power up? Meaning the Apex and the EB832 still have status lights?

This is for another member @Schmitty I am not onsite to troubleshoot now but thank you for your response and help in this matter it is a new issue I have not had in the past and has made this tank move very stressful and time consuming to say the least.
He is looking to purchase a new eb8 from AC today while this one is out for repair. Not sure if he has done this yet but that was his current plan to get this resolved as quickly as possible. I will forward this thread to him regardless. Thanks again, have a great week.

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