Neptune Aquatics



Past President
As some of you may know I had a recent very bad outbreak of bubble algae. Though I was trying to erradicate it with emeralds and lots of carbon and water changes, I seemed to be making no headway and a couple of my more favorite corals were starting to get overtaken.

I decided to take drastic measures last weekend and remove every piece of rock and coral from my tank and do a major manual removal. The good news is that after a nearly 12 hour process (of course taking 3 times as long as I though it was going to take), I got my tank back up and running and all of the rock restacked (of course nothing near the same as I had it before) and corals placed again.

The good news is a week later nearly all of my corals look to be doing fine and everything looks generally back to normal. The bad news is I had two of my favorite corals (a Tub's horridia and a purple monster) RTN on me likely due to the stress of moving etc. A couple of others were looking a little rough but have since stabilized and are polyped up nicely though browned out a bit.

I am looking to see if anyone knows where I can purchase and/or trade for a couple of replacement frags without losing my shirt? I have lots of random frags that come in the normal course of moving rockwork.
wow that sucks. Bryan, did you move the stuff to new water or just into old water? Sorry I don't have either coral. Good luck.
I did a big water change after. I got a replacement for the horridia which honestly was my favorite of the two so all is pretty good. Bubble Algea is like termites one you actually start seeing it you probably have a much bigger problem then you think. I couldn't believe how much of that stuff was burried beneath my rockwork.

I actually like the new aquascape much better then the last though!
glad you like the new aquascape! it's usually not as good as before =)

I don't have either of those corals either =( glad your bubble algae is gone though. goodluck!
Pretty sure it was Eddie's but may have been Tyree's but I don't recall if the person I got it from had verified lineage. Not a big deal really the main one I really wanted to replace is the horridia.