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I just noticed some things on the glass of both my tanks, and I've never seen these before. Tried to take a pic, but they're too tiny - they're probably 2mm in length at most. They're oval shaped, and clear - in the middle is what looks like a bunch of small grains of sand. At first I thought it was just sand trapped in bubbles that got stuck on the glass, but when I reached in to touch them, they're solid, with a jelly-like consistency, and they're stuck at one end to the glass. Anyone have any idea what these are?
Nope, they don't move - just found out what they are, looks like they're nassarius egg sacs - never seen these before - funny that they're now popping up in both my tanks at the same time.


I think you are right about an eggs sack but not sure what off. Do you have alot of them? I am surprised your fish don't eat them....you have a wrasse?
Yeah, nassarius snail egg sacs apparently - there's a bunch of them all over the glass.

Just a cleaner wrasse in one tank - my naso always eats the cerith snail eggs, but I haven't seen him go after these - they're a lot more disperse than the cerith ones though.