Cali Kid Corals

Jeremy's Tank

Let's see who gets pics up first Me or Gresham ;), It'll be like waiting for the 57 sauce to come out of the bottle

Total tank volume ~60 gallons, Bare Bottom reefcrest type tank

display is a Kritter tank 36"X18"X17" (more like 15.5H b/c of 1" top and 1/2" bottom) some where ~42.1g

Sump 34"X16"X14"
The sump serves as a frag grow out area as well as for filtration, at one point I had a 5g refugium plumbed into the setup, but found it to be a cyano factory and removed it ~8months ago. The return pump is a Mag7.

Circulation is provided by a closed loop pushing from back to front, the return bulkheads are "spa nozzle" type that sit pretty flush with the back of the tank.The intakes for the closed loop are behind the liverock, pretty easy access from the sides though. The loop is powered by a (laugh all you want) Turbo-Sea 580HP, my initial plan was to use eductors, but I quickly learned that makes for a wet floor as water pushes up against the front acrylic enough to push over the Euro-Brace. I like the pump BTW.

In the initial planning stages the tank was to be a mixed tank, however I quickly renewed my love affair with SPS and forgot about all the rest and focused more on a reefcrest style tank. That means more flow, so in order to overcome I've added a Seio 820 that lives behind the liverock, and more recently a Koralia 3 to push into the colonies.

Filtration is provided by an old Euro-Reef skimmer, don't know the model, but the skimmer body is 14"X5" over all it's about 24". That's it, no Phosban, Carbon, Purigen etc.

I use Randy's two-part with baked Baking soda, and change 10g a week with a 50/50 blend of Seachem Reef, and Tropic Marin.

I feed a ton of Roti-Feast, and veggie pellets for my two chromis and my "Dory" fish.

No cleanup crew except for the Stomatellas, and I think there might be a Trochus in there still.

I'd list the corals, but that would be a whole post in and of itself.

Anyway thanks for looking, and I'll try to get a pic up soon no matter how crappy it is.
[quote author=Apon link=topic=2642.msg27524#msg27524 date=1196471543]
[/quote]Sorry, duh. One single 250w ushio 10k with M58 PFO ballast and reflector. SLS retro T5 with UV actinic. I just ordered a lumenarc Mini and will be using a single 175w on an eballast within a week or two, I haven't decided on the bulb, most likely the Iwasaki everyone is raving about. I'm trying to cut down on energy consumption.

As far as pics, just imagine a tank crammed full of coral and you get the picture, at least for now....
Here it goes
That sounds like something an old man would say when he was mad :) jk

[quote author=tuberider link=topic=2642.msg28260#msg28260 date=1197435032]
For the love of weiners


[quote author=Paradox link=topic=2642.msg28405#msg28405 date=1197743765]
Heres ours...
In a panda suit...
On my motorcycle...


[/quote]My gosh what a cutie, we need to start a doxie club sub forum here for you me and Gresham.

I love it more comments about the dog then the tank!!
The wiener dog should be the club mascot animal. Implement this and my GF will probably actually come along to the meetings hah.

I think Gresh needs to post a picture of his terrestrial pet now too.
[quote author=LeviTillie link=topic=2642.msg28423#msg28423 date=1197776065]
Since dogs have obviously highjacked this thread my wife said I can't leave our Yorkie Miles out :)


[/quote]While the thread is being highjaked, nice French Horn.
[quote author=rleechb link=topic=2642.msg28430#msg28430 date=1197800932]
Here's my little weiner:



More weiners, I love this thread keep 'em comin'

Little guys have weak backs..... No jumping off the couch...

Actually Mippy is a rescue animal, we have no idea when the injury happened ??? :'(
Awwww.. poor little guy.

I try to control my weiner from jumping off the couch, but he's a ball of energy; really difficult to do so. Thankfully he's a mix, and has longer legs than your typical dachsie.