Reef nutrition

local sources for mini carpet anemones?

Euphyllia said:
All About Fish had a blue carpet about 12" and it shrunk to about 3"-4" if that counts. I'm not sure if they still have it but it didn't look to good last time I saw it. Sometimes they get in a lot of carpets.

It doesn't count sorry :) This is about a true mini carpet species, not one that has been malnourished to the point of it shrinking vastly in size.
Picked up a red mini carpet from Atlantis about a month ago, those suckers are hardy and beautiful. Suuuper sticky, but too small to do much damage, and the sexy shrimps can hang out in em safely. Almost worth the pricetag imo.

I worry about those "maxi mini's" that get ~6" across though. They seem to just be small pizza anemones, which I've had eat $$$$ in fish.
Roughly 1.5" at the moment, it's grown a little bit. I assume (?) that ming propagates em, cuz mine had a slice-mark down the side of it when I first picked it up, that has since faded.
Mini carpet and my awesome cyano collection, for your viewing pleasure:
Yup, those suckers are red and sticky. I just got mine on Thursday. :D

Mingwei doesn't actively prop them. He has to wait until one crawls out from the rockwork and then remove it.
Splendid Leopard Wrasse - Macropharyngodon bipartitus bipartitus

Check out Choati wrasses if you like Loepards :)
Ya, splendid leopard. Awesome fish. :D

Mini carpet continues to grow kinda alarmingly fast... sure hope I don't wind up with a real carpet! In mingwei's case, they just divide on their own or what?
The mini should get up to about 2.5" at it's max, so I wouldn't worry about it getting larger than that.

Mingwei's carpets are clones. He doesn't sell many of them since he has to wait until one crawls out from all that rockwork before he can remove it.
I just saw this posting, and I happens to find one last one yeterday (only one). How about a deep discount for a BAR member, say, free? First come, first serve. This is the traditional multi-colored mini-carpet anemone, and it get up to a silver dollar size.
It's yours Erick. Can you come and pick up tonight before it runs away (I am not kidding, it moves fast)? Give me a call at 650-210-6797.
An update on Atlantis' priceyasheck mini carpets - if you feed them, they will split without any prompting. Yesterday I had one big one, today I have 3 small ones.