
NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

That’s really nice of @jhuynh because my Bill Murray is still too small to frag. It’s actually a really nice acro with a lot of color. I think Harold Ramis should thank TSA because people actually know who he is now that they put a ghostbusters acro pack together. He and Dan Akroyd wrote a new Ghostbusters movie coming out in June.
here u go. just for u. 4th times a charm

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Lost the battle... lost my ARC fireworks.

had my ARC fireworks that a a milli grew into. Started getting some tissue recession. I did a single dip (at least I think I did) to treat and moved it.

Been seeing white at the base showing last few days and just assumed the tang rotated it to show the affected spot. Turns out.... the recession has been spreading around and up the base. Whoops.

The white banding front definitely originated from the spot where the molli stung the ARC piece...

Did an aggressive treatment with really strong blows with a baster to clean the edges. Might have been too strong and some of the good parts are showing thinned tissue... double whoops.

Either way, i missed the timing on acting. Been too busy. Oh well.

At least my Rte 66 Merlin's staff is still solid. Wish it would grow faster... slooooooow
Elos 70
Ugh. When it rains, it pours.

While working on another tank the other night, i heard a splash. Saw water on the walls, and thought maybe a fish jumped... looked around and didn't see anything so figured, was probably just one of them splashing water.

Nope. Found my orange shoulder wedge in a spot I couldn't see readily today.

In the process of making my tanks famous once backdrop to some podcast / social video recordings for work, I had to shut down the tanks to reduce noise. Typically no prob but today, I forgot to close the ball valve on the return line... until mid way through the recording session. But since we were "live" I had to just let it ride it out...

...a few sps pieces stayed above water for a good 30 mins+. hopefully, they were moist enough to be OK after all...
Elos 70

Super bummed. Just lost my one of my favorite mocha storms.

My return was running dry suddenly, found a dirty ato sensor. Cleaned it but with ato filling, water level in tank simply kept rising.

My guess was something was stuck in my pipe. Turned the gate valve with intent on opening it wide... but in a panic with the water in my tank about to turn into a flood, i turned the knob right vs left. I realized the mistake, and went the right way.

Sure enough, a fish came out. Was one the mocha. Unfortunately, it was dead....and was partially crushed by the gate valve. I dunno if it was already dead when i threw the valve in the wrong direction as i don't know how long it's been in there (last checked on the tank in the afternoon) or if I caused it's demise with the gate valve. Ugh.
AquaJapan 85


Came out to the tank to feed the fish, and heard a continuous clicking noise... After poking around turns out my DOS developed a mind of its own again and started running non-stop. Emptied my entire CA container into the tank. :(

I sent it in about a month and a half ago to replace the PCB....immediately after getting it back, the right side pump ran continuously right after plugging it in... sent it back to Neptune, they fixed it. And was working fine again until today... The motor ran so long today, the cabinet smelled of burning oil...

Unplugged, let cool, and tried again. nope.

Running a Trident test right now to see how bad my levels are...

@Vhuang168 -- any ideas what I can try? Or do I have to send in the DOS again?