got ethical husbandry?

Newbie Reefer and BAR Member


Photography, Contests

Happy day reefing folks! My name is Andy. I live in Salinas. Excited to be here and looking forward to getting to meet you all. I have kept freshwater aquariums off and on for many years. I'm a proud ignorant newbie to the reefing hobby though. Stoked to take something on that has intrigued me for decades. A saltwater and reef tank had always been a dream but not attainable for various reasons. Recently, I finally got the itch to give it a try and research what it would take. My confidence grew the more I learned. I always believed it would be too demanding and difficult. I decided on a nano, due mainly to budget constraints. But also, to try a smaller water volume because it is more difficult. I'm not easily discouraged by mistakes and honestly, I'd rather make small mistakes now and understand what I'm doing wrong before upgrading to something larger and know how much easier it will be.

So I got myself a used Fluval Evo 13.5gal. It hasn't been going for long. Thankfully, I had a smooth cycling process by getting some matured biomedia from a local buddy. Technically, it's still cycling but the initial start up process was smooth is what I mean.

I joined the forum a few days ago but did not get a chance to get acquainted with the threads and folks here yet. I was fortunate enough to meet someone this morning via Facebook, @Matthew Meyer . He started off with shaming me for not being a supporting member Of BAR! Then he cheated me out of $5 for not being a supporting member. I mean GEEZ! Is this how you start off all your friendships man?! I figured I'd better fix the priorities in my life and join the cool kids club. So here I am, trying to not get scolded!

All jokes aside, I went to meet Matt to pick up a beautiful yellow hammer! In conversation, BAR came up and I had mentioned I recently joined. His encouragement (sales pitch), really convinced me to become a member. It was amazing to see an awesome and mature tank with so many beautiful coral species and fish. Thanks again Matt for letting me geek out and ask so many questions today. I really do appreciate it.

I also picked up a couple other beauties while I was there. Adding to my zoa garden!
Scrambled Eggs and Pink Zipper (no pic yet).

Then I opted to buy this and not having a clue exactly what it is. I know I know...not a smart move. Any chance I could get help with identification?

Here are a few other pieces in my tank.

Reminds me of lava flowing.


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Welcome Andy! I’ll be heading down to Prunedale this coming Friday; let me know if you need anything else from up here before then.

As for your identification request, it looks like a stubby head of Candy Cane coral.
Awesome! Thank you for the ID and the welcome.
I appreciate the offer. Do you mean supplies or corals?

Any chance you know someone that has this food? I got a small sample of it from Aqua Plus when I bought my clown there a couple weeks back and running low. I know Reef Nutrition is a sponsor, but not sure who I should buy it from to support them.
Awesome! Thank you for the ID and the welcome.
I appreciate the offer. Do you mean supplies or corals?

Any chance you know someone that has this food? I got a small sample of it from Aqua Plus when I bought my clown there a couple weeks back and running low. I know Reef Nutrition is a sponsor, but not sure who I should buy it from to support them.
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Either one. I’ll be going to the store Aquatic Collection today if you’d like me to take a look for that food.
Welcome Andy! Looks like you got a really good start with using cycled biomedia from another established tank. I think we have a few other 831 reefers on here like @Prestondeeply that could let you know what stores are easiest to work with for everyday things. Neptune Aquatics carries all the Reef Nutrition products in San Jose, but any store that carries their products supports them as a sponsor of course.

Highly recommend researching fish quite a bit before choosing them. If you make a trip up to the Oakland area ever, High Tide Aquatics carries quarantined fish.
Welcome to our place in space
You have made the best investment in your reefing journey by becoming a $upporting member.
It shows your dedication and commitment to both your aquarium and this club.
Well done, and welcome.

Your location?

@Matthew Meyer
I thought it was my job to shame the “guests”
Nice to see the support

Best fishes and happy reefing
Welcome! Great meeting you. Looking forward to seeing your tanks progress!
I'll get a tank journal started soon. Thanks for helping get a piece I've wanted since the first time I saw one online many months ago before I even had a tank!
Thank you!
Either one. I’ll be going to the store Aquatic Collection today if you’d like me to take a look for that food.
Sorry for the late reply. Been out and about all day with the fam. I'll pick some up next time I'm up at Neptune's or I'll try ordering directly.
Welcome Andy! Looks like you got a really good start with using cycled biomedia from another established tank. I think we have a few other 831 reefers on here like @Prestondeeply that could let you know what stores are easiest to work with for everyday things. Neptune Aquatics carries all the Reef Nutrition products in San Jose, but any store that carries their products supports them as a sponsor of course.

Highly recommend researching fish quite a bit before choosing them. If you make a trip up to the Oakland area ever, High Tide Aquatics carries quarantined fish.
Thank you! Much appreciated. I have already added a couple fish. I was given a damsel to help the cycling process. I also recently added a picasso clown that I picked up at Aqua Plus in SJ. Both are still alive and luckily they get along. At this point, I want to limit the bioload but I would like some good cucs for a small tank. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. My guess is that the damsel will eventually turn into a complete demon. At that point, I'll likely be rehoming or taking to the lfs.
Welcome to our place in space
You have made the best investment in your reefing journey by becoming a $upporting member.
It shows your dedication and commitment to both your aquarium and this club.
Well done, and welcome.
Thank you! Yes, it was easy to see the value of the membership. I'm excited for my journey into this hobby and making new friends.
Your location?
@Matthew Meyer
I thought it was my job to shame the “guests”
Nice to see the support

Best fishes and happy reefing
Haaa haaaa.
Welcome to the club, and we're glad to have you! Hang around, meet some new people, and get excited about the frag swaps and social events. :)
Thank you! I'm excited to be able to grow some coral and hopefully bring my frags from my own tank. That will be a proud moment indeed! I'm really looking forward to the events to be able to meet reefers and soak up all the wisdom.
Thank you!
Welcome to our place in space
You have made the best investment in your reefing journey by becoming a $upporting member.
It shows your dedication and commitment to both your aquarium and this club.
Well done, and welcome.

Your location?

@Matthew Meyer
I thought it was my job to shame the “guests”
Nice to see the support

Best fishes and happy reefing
If I could get a username change I would be more inclined to it!