Cali Kid Corals

Quarantine Tank

Or, I can't stop with the tanks. I picked up a free 16x16x16 rimless today (did I mention free?) and want to cycle it and use it for a QT as well as for my damsel (he's a dick and tries to bite me when I do water changes).

I have a small powerhead and heater. should i get a HOB skimmer? will have clean bottom but a couple live rocks.

Water changes should be fine. No skimmer necessary, but leaving a Damsel in there probably isn't a great idea. The purpose of a QT is observation and treatment. The issue with the damsel then becomes twofold. First, they are territorial and will likely harass newly placed QT'd fish and possibly cause more health issues. Second, if the new fish has to be treated then you are subjecting a healthy fish (the Damsel) to possibly difficult treatments for no reason. That's not humane.