
Reef furniture


As background, I do woodworking as a second hobby.
Including live edge tables and such, like this little end table I did recently during the lockdown.
Click to expand.

But in poking around, someone did a reef epoxy scene in a table.
Might consider something like that...
Scrounge up fun looking dead corals. (This club has lots of those) Bleach them carefully, paint them as appropriate, etc.
Maybe some snails, dried urchin. Macro algae. But no fish.
Unfortunately due to the "DIY revolution" a slab of "unusable" wood like that that used to be gotten for relatively cheap is now a super expensive slab, and that's before you do anything to it. I remember way back when, same thing with old wine barrels, wineries practically gave them away, then whoops we can make a planter out of them? Lets charge some money now! :D

That said, I totally want that! But resin ain't cheap, and getting a finished product like that is even less cheap :D
Looks awesome. I’ve been interested in these wood/resin tables but never seen with coral and other actual reef critters in the scene.