Reef nutrition

RIP, lost my best fish tonight

I lost my best and favorite fish tonight. He was my absolute favorite fish, the crown jewel of my saltwater tanks. My Austraian Mystery Wrasse. I've been fighting this algae so much I didn't think to check on him, but he must have jumped out today and landed in a potted plant next to the tank. I usually check on the tank and especially him morning, lunch and evenings. Well tonight I didn't see him and I tore my room apart, and there he was wedged between the roots in a potted plant. It sounds funny, but this really sucks, it really really sucks, out of all my tanks, 500 gallons worth he was my favorite, even over my 15" Dats and 24" Goby.. this guy was tops.

Really really bummed.. this just sucks. He was really old too alteast 4yrs.. crap
Sorry to hear that. I lost a blue spot jawfish after nursing him back from the brink of death, literally hand feeding him in a container in the tank for two months. Sucks when they jump.
I got a Mystery last summer and thought that he would never jump. He was 2+". Older than most in stores. Had him for 5 months. Jumped one day. Jerky. Depressing. I will get a screen of some sort before getting another expensive wrasse. I have a splendid still - I expect that he could jump but have had him for > a year. He is my favorite now. I feel your pain.
Feel for you. Mine is about the same age, knocked down many $ fish and shrimps, and always my top dog. Love the way they just cruise around.
I am so sorry to hear about your favorite fish. I was very sad when my tank-raised oscellaris clown (which I had for only two months) jumped without my knowledge. Can only imagine how you feel to lose your favorite fish. I have vowed not to get any fish for my 29 gallon tank until I install a screen over the open top.
Sorry about losing Mr. Mystery Wrasse. I hear mine "hit the acrylic" about once a week when they jump but are deflected back into the tank off my *backboards.

*These "BAR guys" :| MADE me erect a wrasse guard! The "jumping" or "carpet surfing" wrasse story will continue to be told. Truly, sorry you lost your fish. I, too, love watching my Red Velvet and Lineateus Fairy wrasses cruise the tank. They are stunning, active, friendly VERY jumpy! :O
Mine react to any sudden movement by bolting. Usually, it's not "up" and sometimes it is. Other times, I've heard mine jump with no external stimuli. Wrasses can be like nervous little wiener dogs that have been drinking too much espresso.
sorry to hear for your loss -- it sucks a lot when you lose the fish you love the most. same feeling happened to me when I lost my school of FW clown loaches. not as expensive mind you, but still a good fish.
Sorry for your loss.
I feel your pain.
Major bummer.
I still don't have my tank 100% covered but I hope to by Sunday.