High Tide Aquatics

Scavenger Fish


Supporting Member
Hey Guys,

Looking for a recommendation for a scavenger fish with the following attributes:
  1. Won't eat clean up crew I plan for the future
  2. Peaceful and reef safe
  3. Hardy
Currently I have:
2 clownfish
4 blue reef chromis

Oh, didn't realize I didn't put the main purpose :).

I would like to scavenger fish to eat the left over pellets on the sand.
thanks, Always thought those lawnmovers only ate algaez
Actually algae isn't that much of their diet. They are not herbivores exclusively at all.. People see them attacking the rocks and scraping them, but the algae isn't their goal -- it's detritus.
anyone see a goatfish in stock locally? nice looking fish.

AC gets them every now and then. If not, sometimes Live Aquaria Divers Den. They’re really cool and sift through the sand all day without making a giant mess.
max size is 10”,
care level: moderate to difficult
reef compatibility = with caution

those three parts. trying to keep thing simple.

max size is 10”,
care level: moderate to difficult
reef compatibility = with caution

those three parts. trying to keep thing simple.

Blennies and gobies are my thoughts then, lots of different kinds there. Midas blenny is a pretty one, sand sifting gobies are cool, lots out there in those two family of fish. (King Phillip Called Out For Good Something!)
I would recommend staying away from the sand sifting gobies (Diamond Watchmen or Gold Head Sleeper) they can be fine, but they can also completely destroy a tank.