Our mission

Site Software Upgraded

I upgraded the site's software to the latest versions to get security and bug fixes. It seemed to go pretty smoothly but let me know if something broke!
We're, or at least I am, getting threads doubled up on the front page. The BOD meeting announcement is doubled up for me as well.
PS, to verify... you mean that on this page: http://www.bareefers.org/home/ every entry appears twice in the Upcoming Events, Recent Posts, and Recent Sponsor Threads sections?
I'm getting the doubling of threads on any list, like the splash page above, and even New Posts when I click on that button. Not all get doubled though. Jim's recent response to his Green Marine thread doubled up for me just now on the New Posts.
The splash screen "new posts" area just has this error in it and no threads:

warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/bar/www/home/sites/all/modules/imagecache/imagecache.module on line 555.
That error message also just showed up on my FF as well. I'm not getting the double posting that Gresh is experiencing.

warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/bar/www/home/sites/all/modules/imagecache/imagecache.module on line 555.
I tried to upload a small jpeg screen shot and it errored out every time. I then tried to post again and got this:

{ "status": true, "data": "x3cdiv class="messages status"x3enThe image was resized to fit within the maximum allowed dimensions of x3cemx3e800x600x3c/emx3e pixels.x3c/divx3enx3ctable id="comment-upload-attachments" class="sticky-enabled"x3en x3ctheadx3ex3ctrx3ex3cthx3ex3c/thx3ex3cthx3eDeletex3c/thx3ex3cthx3eListx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eDescriptionx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eWeightx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eSizex3c/thx3e x3c/trx3ex3c/theadx3enx3ctbodyx3en x3ctr class="draggable odd"x3ex3ctdx3ex3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1509-remove-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="checkbox" name="files[1509][remove]" id="edit-files-1509-remove" value="1" class="form-checkbox" /x3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1509-list-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="checkbox" name="files[1509]
  • " id="edit-files-1509-list" value="1" checked="checked" class="form-checkbox" /x3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1509-description-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="text" maxlength="256" name="files[1509][description]" id="edit-files-1509-description" size="60" value="FireShot capture #011 - x26#039;New Posts I Bay Area Reefersx26#039; - www_bareefers_org_home_new.png" class="form-text" /x3en x3cdiv class="description"x3ex3csmallx3ehttp://www.bareefers.org/home/sites/default/files/FireShot capture #011 - x26#039;New Posts I Bay Area Reefersx26#039; - www_bareefers_org_home_new_1.pngx3c/smallx3ex3c/divx3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1509-weight-wrapper"x3en x3cselect name="files[1509][weight]" class="form-select comment-upload-weight" id="edit-files-1509-weight" x3ex3coption value="-1"x3e-1x3c/optionx3ex3coption value="0" selected="selected"x3e0x3c/optionx3ex3coption value="1"x3e1x3c/optionx3ex3c/selectx3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3e301.24 KBx3c/tdx3e x3c/trx3enx3c/tbodyx3enx3c/tablex3enx3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-upload-wrapper"x3en x3clabel for="edit-upload"x3eAttach new file: x3c/labelx3en x3cinput type="file" name="files[upload]" class="form-file" id="edit-upload" size="60" /x3enn x3cdiv class="description"x3eImages are larger than x3cemx3e800x600x3c/emx3e will be resized. The maximum upload size is x3cemx3e5 MBx3c/emx3e. Only files with the following extensions may be uploaded: x3cemx3ejpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odpx3c/emx3e. x3c/divx3enx3c/divx3enx3cinput type="submit" name="attach" id="edit-attach" value="Attach" class="form-submit" /x3en" }
Probably a bug. Check the forums and you'll find that almost all are gone.
However, if you check under individual's DBTC links, they are there but converted to another form

for example:
DBTC-LPS is almost empty

but my records are there

but for example, the moonwalker exists as a non DBTC node

I also am getting the following error at the "new message" header when I click on the link. It isn't always happening.
warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/bar/www/home/sites/all/modules/imagecache/imagecache.module on line 555.
I never ran into that mega error you did :( I have my own unique errors. Can you see full DBTC subforums? (ie click on the LPS DBTC subforum. Do you see 54 threads or do you see 8?)
LPS= 8 threads

I see all the sub forums I think (not sure how many there are but I see what I feel is enough of them)
Hi Erin,
I posted two new chains last night with pics for LPS, Duncans and Candy Cane. At least one had a reply from Orion and this AM they are both gone. I'm reposting the chains with new pics but the old chains went into limbo....
I don't think it's anything that I did. :~

Curiouser and curiouser, now I'm not finding the "start a new chain" button...........
The chains are still there. I think something must have go awry with the upgrade. I can still see them FWIW so they haven't disappeared completely.
Can find a "new chain" button choice in DBTC forums? Not me :~
Also, I'm not finding the two new DBTC LPS chains I started yesterday. Track me and you'll see.