


Supporting Member
I got two SPS frags at the frag swap (mostly hung out in mushroom land :)), but on the last "pick 3" round I said what the hay! The two I got one was an Acropora Microphthalma (pain in the butt to spell!) the other was a Montipora Digitata.

Well I just hit a milestone, something I have not yet done with SPS frags... that is have one actually encrust (aka stay alive!) I had a little dollup of icgel on the bottom when I put this in, but now I don't see any gel at all, conclusion.. bottom must be encrusting over it! *joy*. I have polyp extension, heck the very top is a tad white, I'm guessing from fast growth since no polyps are bleached. I'm so happy :) Oh yah the orange dig is doing good too, it came from Lapsan's tank :)

Here's a picture, sorry for the clarity, but I shot this under the surface of the water, to mention it is a little oversaturated.
A. microphthalma is one that most have to beat down with a stick :) Watch out.....I know what your bringing to the next swap ;)
I believe that has been said about digis & caps as well? also green slimers? lets go into another realm.... xenia has been said that as well! Well I've beaten them all down without a stick (un)sucessfully :)

But yah, I figured it was easy since it was the last round and still on the SPS table... that or it was completely dead and I'm just an idiot :)