got ethical husbandry?

Sunnyvale Restaurant Lunch Meetup Sunday 2/6 @ Bowl Of Pho 1:00 pm - Torch Raffle!

Will I see you at Bowl of Pho at 1 pm Sunday, 2/6?

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Supporting Member
Hello BAR,

Let's have our next restaurant meetup next Sunday, February 6th at Bowl of Pho off Homestead and Hollenbeck. Let's plan for 1:00 (unless I hear otherwise and will update the time accordingly)

There is an ongoing raffle so any $10 spent on food gets you a raffle ticket to some nice pieces of coral.

Hope to see you all there!

The owner is a BAR member who has been very active and has a beautiful tank. They also have great pho and other food.

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Anyone going that has some clean pest free chaeto to spare? I need to start my fuge up for nutrient export again. My little bit of chaeto died a bit back and then my fuge got overun with gha so I cleaned it all out and have been running without for quite awhile but my nitrates are way too high.
Anyone going that has some clean pest free chaeto to spare? I need to start my fuge up for nutrient export again. My little bit of chaeto died a bit back and then my fuge got overun with gha so I cleaned it all out and have been running without for quite awhile but my nitrates are way too high.
I have chaeto in my sump, it’s packed need to get rid of. Mine has pods can inspect before take, you can rinse in rodi if you want. But no aiptasia in it and nudis
Drawing is tonight at 8:00-8:30.
Prize are:
1x 4 head splitting gold torch frag
1x 2 Giant green bounce mushroom frag
1x Green anacropora frag
1x Walt Disney frag
1x Homewrecker frag

Will Post winners names and item they won after live stream on facebook.

Best luck to those that participated!!! Thanks for coming and support my shop.