High Tide Aquatics

Toadstool in trouble or just splitting?

Ok, so I got a green polyp tyree toadstool last week, It was placed at the bottom of my tank.

2 days after placing it in the tank it was still leaning over and I noticed some algae around the base and a dime sized hole in the foot which kind of had tissue oozing from it, I cleaned the hole out with some iodine and noticed that the hole has hollowed out the stem.

as of yesterday, the crown has some spots on it that are fleshy looking peeling off of it, the center of the crown is white and the polyps look like pimples.

my other toadstool which i purchased a week before is a long polyp toadstool and was extending its polyps the next day after being added to the tank and is doing great now.

I can add some pictures later tonight when I get off work, any advice or things to look out for?

tell tale signs of splitting vs dying?

My green toadstool had white spots also and wasn't looking that hot. I ended up just fragging it rather loosing the whole coral. I have about 6 of them left over...let me know if you want one.

FWIW the neon Tyree version does fall apart often and it may very well be nothing you are doing to make it do that :)
I might worry about the hole because there is a snail called the Rapa Rapa snail that eats Sarcophyton from the inside out. Also look for an egg cowrie.
nudibranch said:
I might worry about the hole because there is a snail called the Rapa Rapa snail that eats Sarcophyton from the inside out. Also look for an egg cowrie.

Never ever head of a captive propitiated sarco getting a Rapa rapa. I've actually never had them move from the host they came in on either. Hate those things.
Well, I will be home all weekend, we will see how things go, I know Im probably going to have to do something, unless of couse it suddenly decides to behave, which at this point may be unlikely.

If I lose the whole thing I will really be bummed out, was looking foreword to him being somewhat of a display piece.

I will keep this updated, and provide pictures currently and if/when I frag it.

thanks for all the advice so far.
well, I ended up fragging the toadstool into about 5 pieces, I know I said I would provide pictures but unfortunately I cant find the camera charger :(

anyways, the frags are in my frag tank recovering, but I have already lost 1 do to rotting of the tissue.

hopefully the others will survive, I have them in a good flow area in small tubs of rubble to attach to.

any advice on caring for these cuttings? I have them under about 65w of flourescent and PC lighting until my new fixture is made.

how long does it take for them to heal enough to place back into my main tank?

thanks for all the help so far!!!!
ok, so i've been really busy this last week, was my b-day and about 4 other people so been really out and about.

I lost all the toadstool frags I cut, they just were rotting away, I think this toadstool was jinxed, my other long polyp leather is fine, but the tyree was not a happy camper when he arrived.

so, to get another tyree or not? I am kinda on the fence now, I want it to work but maybe I will let my long polyp leather grow out and have more space for himself.

thanks for all the help though.
I have a couple Tyree's if you want to try it again Robert :) Just let me know. I doubt it was your tank or anything you did.
Robert at Neptune has my Large (probably now a bunch of small lol) Tyree neon toadstool. It has fragged really well for me in the past (multiple times). He also has another neon toadstool (different extension and color hue).

I'm going to guess that yours died from bacterial infection. Dipping in the future might help with that after you dice up.