High Tide Aquatics

URGENT!!! Volunteers needed for CFM September 23rd


Vice President
The Silicon Valley Coral Farmers Market will be held September 23rd. Once again we will be selling discounted tickets for our supporting members but more importantly I'm asking for volunteers to sit at our booth.

The discounted tickets will be only for the regular day and not the vip night.

Time slots.
Setup on Friday: @Srt4eric @Invictus

Volunteers for Sat 09/23/2023:

11a-12pm @Srt4eric @IOnceWasLegend
12p-1pm: @MichaelB @jhuynh
1pm-2pm: @Apon @jhuynh
2pm-3pm: @psidriven @Srt4eric
3pm-4pm: @Invictus @Finnaddict
4pm-5pm: @Darkxerox (maybe) @Srt4eric
Cleanup at 5pm: @Srt4eric @Darkxerox (maybe)
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If anyone is on the fence about volunteering for this don't worry about it. It's fun. We try to have at least two people for every shift. And I will be there most of the time as well.
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The Silicon Valley Coral Farmers Market will be held September 23rd. Once again we will be selling discounted tickets for our supporting members but more importantly I'm asking for volunteers to sit at our booth.

The discounted tickets will be only for the regular day and not the vip night.

Time slots.
Setup on Friday: @Srt4eric

Volunteers for Sat 09/23/2023:

11a-12pm @Srt4eric @IOnceWasLegend
12p-1pm: @Srt4eric @Srt4eric
1pm-2pm: @Apon @Srt4eric
2pm-3pm: @psidriven @Srt4eric
3pm-4pm: @Invictus @Srt4eric
4pm-5pm: @Srt4eric @Srt4eric
Cleanup at 5pm: @Srt4eric @IOnceWasLegend
I could do 12-1pm, but would rather not be alone, being new to the group. I wouldn't be good at answering questions yet.
For the small price of only one hour, you too can allow an Eric to purchase expensive torches and not sit at a booth the whole time.
