Cali Kid Corals

Anemone Problem

Good deals can definitely be had with used nanos. We got our 12 dx with live rock and some zoas with the curved stand for $135. Still want to boost lighting from 48 to 72 watts.
I fed the carpet a lot. The RBTA got fed once a week, whereas the carpet got fed 2x a week. During the time, I also had a trio of bartlette's anthias, which ate like pigs and the clowns would drag plenty of the frozen food to the carpet and fed it as well.
The LFS by my old house is so cal had it, but I am sure that you can get it here if you find a distributor. I believe it is Current USA?
Aren't you having problem that the anemone getting too big?? Put it in a nano tank isn't really going to solve the problem right? I say 50G is the smallest you should setup ;) ..
The tank would be pretty much just for the anemone and clowns. No plans to put SPS in there that could get stung. I'm pretty sure a 28-34g tank would give it enough room. If I were to go larger, I think I'd just want to go much larger. ;D

I'll have to see if Aquarium Concepts could order something like that. Can't recall ever seeing it in the store.
Well, went to AC and my husband really liked the Red Sea Max. They didn't have the Solana, hadn't even heard of it. I'm thinking maybe the RSM would be better anyways, since it's covered, and I have two cats that are very nosy. :D

I keep trying to convince him that we need to set up a 120 in the living room, but he's not buying it.
If you got him to like the RSM, you are golden. Normally it is pulling teeth to get a new tank. Just go with it :-D

Does it come with an HQI or PC setup?
I have a 29G bowfront you can have. I drilled the hole in the back for closeloop. If you don't use it, it's not that hard to patch. It comes with a stand, which required a a little work :) ..
LMK if you are interested. I take some pics for you.
Haha, I know. I don't think I need the extra work of another big tank, so a nano is probably best anyways. The RSM comes with T5s - I think that'll be ample for the BTA.

Thanks for the offer Phong! I think I'd like to try to go with something that's got everything I need without having to go and buy a lot of equipment - but if my hubby changes his mind about spending the $$ on a RSM, I will let you know. :)
Well, this sucker finally decided to split today. I'm still going to move it and the clowns to their own tank - have decided to go with the Red Sea Max. Anyone looking for a GBTA and want the other half? Would rather find it a good home than take it to the LFS.
Bonnie, how big is the GBTA, I have a softie tank at work with a bunch of RBTA in it (25g) I might be interested. did you buy the redsea yet? Dolphin Pet Village has them on sale with the stand for $599. Also they have PC's in it, but they say T5 on the box.
I'm not sure how big it is - the smaller half is still hanging out under the rock, but I'm guessing it's probably going to be 5" or more.

I did buy the RSM, just opened it last night. That's a hell of a deal from DPV, wish I'd known about it. I managed to get a decent price from AC, and got the stand new off of craigslist for really cheap, so it wasn't too bad.

What's the deal with the lights? I have no experience with T5s, so I don't even know what the bulbs look like. These look like PCs, but they say they are 55w T5 Power Compacts? I want T5s, not PCs.
T5's look like an old style fluorescent bulb, only skinner. T12/T10/T8/T6/T5 etc look the "same" but their diameter is T#/8 inches, so a T8 is 8/8=1" diameter. a T5 is 5/8" diameter
So I googled this a bit - a T5 Power Compact is just a T5 bent in half - is that just what a normal Power Compact is? So this tank essentially just has PCs for lighting? 'Cause if so, that kind of sucks.