Cali Kid Corals

[Feb 7, 2015] Fragging Workshop, Gear Swap, and Giveaway (Hayward, CA)

Thanks everyone for putting together this event. I wish we had more specimens to frag... It was good catching up with everyone!

For those who missed it today, here are some pics :)

Thanks for the pics, Nav. It was a good meeting. Everybody start fragging your corals for next month's member frag swap.
Thanks Nav and everyone that attended and helped out!! I really enjoyed seeing everyone and some new faces!!

I wanted to share the "before" pictures of the green monti and Hollywood stunner chalice before Joe cut them. If you picked up some frags, I hope they do well in your tank!!

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20150206_113210 (Small).jpg
It was great to meet everyone today. Big thanks to Geneva for donating the corals for fragging.

I took a piece of the green monti and the chalice, they've been acclimated and are now light acclimating in our tank. I'll post pictures when they're mounted.
Nice to see so many new members out today! Sorry we couldn't have more colonies to frag today...maybe next year!
Thanks to Geneva and mark for bringing colonies to frag!

Definitely start thinking about fragging your stuff for the swap. If you're not sure how to frag something make a post or ask someone.
Thanks for having this event, it was very informational for me...and it was good to put a face with the members that we correspond with here on the forums.....

Thank You Geneva & Mark for the frags...they have been acclimated and dipped also....
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out to our first event of the year. It was a successful event but we'd like to hear how we can make it even better! Please visit our post-mortem thread to give us your feedback!
Just curious whether any of the frags survived after we fragged them and you brought them home (monti and chalice)??!

Mine is doing good here is a picture of it, trying to clear a spot where some mushrooms are before permanently mounting it...

Thanks Geneva
