got ethical husbandry?

Kinetic's ELOS 120

Art, sorry to hear you leave the hobby.. you been in it for a while.

any, if the bellus is still availble i'll take it.

please PM me for details.

Hey Ed,

Bellus is yours. Can you pickup June 2nd, in the late afternoon?

I'll update here on scheduling soon.

- Art

drdoolittle said:
Art, sorry to hear you leave the hobby.. you been in it for a while.

any, if the bellus is still availble i'll take it.

please PM me for details.

Hey Everyone,

I'll be available at 4pm. Should have all the animals ready by then =) Let me know if that works for you. I can definitely meet a little later too if you need.

email me: kineticac at gmail
Bellus - drdoolittle
Sanjay Black Photons - Thales
Vortech pair - Tamynator
Vortech Battery + Clam - Rommel
barlett and chromis - Arnold ($20?)
Inverts (porcelin crab, snails, hermits) - iCon ($15 for all, cool?)

Still need a home:
~40lbs Live Rock + Gobies ($40)

The gobies will most likely hide in the live rock, so they come as one =)
melly mel said:
Hey Art, sorry man im gonna have to pass on the clam. Budgets kinda tight so I'll just take the battery back up if thats cool.

OK no worries.

Arnold, you still up for the maxima?
Bellus - drdoolittle / Boun picking up
Sanjay Black Photons - Thales
Vortech pair - Tamynator
Vortech Battery - Rommel
barlett and chromis + Clam - Arnold ($60)
Inverts (porcelin crab, snails, hermits) - iCon ($15 for all, cool?)
~40lbs Live Rock + Gobies ($40) - Boun

Looks like all the animals are spoken for! sweet. I hope I didn't forget anything.
I can't seem to PM anybody. Maybe because I didn't renew my membership this year.

Can you guys send me an email and I can reply?

kineticac at gmail dot com
Hi Everyone,

4pm on Saturday is confirmed! Can you guys email me for the address if you haven't already? I don't have the ability to PM =(

- Art
Hi Everyone!

See you guys soon. I'm starting to break down the tank now, should be done by 4pm.

I never heard from iCon about the inverts, so if you guys want some inverts let me know. Otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
Dang Art. Sad to see you take a break from the hobby but I totally understand. I had a custom built AGE tank that's been sitting empty on my living room floor for 1.5 yrs because I've been too busy. Was partly worried about the water weight in my condo so I may have to sell it and get a smaller one. I may be interested in your tank, stand and sump. Elos 120 is 90 gallons, right?