High Tide Aquatics

7th SF(area) tank tour...... Sept 25th

Updated list

Sunday September 25th?

Real Name / BAR handle / Showing vs viewing

1.) Arnold/ Apon / Showing 120 mixed reef tank and 30 zeroedge tank
2.) Jon/ JAR / Can show in Marin area
3.) Mike/ sfsuphysics / Might be able to show in SF ( Mike when will you know?)
4.) Coral reefer /mike /viewing. Willing to show if there aren't enough nicer tanks ( tank doesn't have to be super nice, its up to you if want to show, I always someting new from seeing other people tanks/ideas)
5.) Bennett / bee505 / Viewing
6.) Gusty /Anathema / Viewing - might be able to show tank
7.) Gregory/ GDawson/ Viewing
8.) Jess / Treylane / Showing 100g softies+sps reef - can show in Palo Alto...might far but we will see.
9.) Eileen/ raddogz/ Available in Oct. show or viewing?
10.) Chris/ LordHelmet/ wouldn't be a tank without him on the list : ) for a little while
11.)Mike/bondolo/viewing ( can show in Berkeley)
12.)Patrick/ patrickb/viewing ( why not show again?)
13.)Garvin / glee / viewing
14.)Patchin (1) / Steve and Theresa viewing.
15.)Patchin (2) / Steve and Theresa viewing.
I can show the tank at RTC (Marin), so if Jon also shows his there would be 2 Marin tanks to see. We have tons of space for a BBQ. But I can't do Sept 25th as I'll be out of town. Oct 2 would work for me, but I'm booked the rest of Oct on weekends. Oct 30 is Discovery day so you can see the tank that day for sure (plus there will be lots of other stuff to see too).
Hi Crabby, I think the 25th works for most everyone now so I don't really want to change it, but thanks.

Ok Eileen, sorry you won't attend.
Arnold-I got out of a prior commitment. I'll be attending the tour and if you need another tank "under construction" to show...LMK.
gimmito said:
Arnold-I got out of a prior commitment. I'll be attending the tour and if you need another tank "under construction" to show...LMK.

You gotta show at least the RSM !
Jess/Treylane is showing? in Palo Alto so you are like "on the way"
Ok I think I have enough for a draft schedule. Let me know if this works for people. Treylane and Bondolo I think we have enough tanks in the city area to show. thanks for offereing and I can keep you guys in mind if/when we get some cancellations. for thos I listed as showing please PM me your Phone Numbers and Addresses.

Draft schedule ???

Allowing for 15 minutes travel time in the city...estimate ( 20 minutes from Jar's place back to the city)

10:30am - maybe form car pools? TBD - Please post if anyone can help with carpools.

11am - JAR's at Muir Beach - Potluck Lunch there.

1:30pm Arnold's place

2:30 pm Gus's place -

3:30pm Mike's SFSUPhysics Place

4:30pm Mike's Coral reefer's Place

5:30pm Jim's place (please have 1 fish in the tank for us to see ).

6:15pm tour end?

How does that work for everyone?
I'd like to throw my name in the hat for carpool or going in a carpool, tossing a few bucks in for bridge fare & gas is much nicer than eating that whole cost driving solo.
bee505 said:
Exciting. I would like to Carpool. I live in the Portola district in SF. Let me know if anyone is interested.

Can I hitch a ride? I'll pony up for the GGB

***If you guys like flan I can bring a really, really yummy one (will convince my wife to make one)