Cali Kid Corals

Giants game

JAR said:
I guess I'm willing to sell game 6 and game 7 tickets now.
Any takers? LOL

HAH! I hope you weren't one of those wishing they'd bring it back to SF (one of my buddies was...) Would have been great to win at home but it's best to wrap it up while you can...We've been down that path before!

World Series Champions... I think this needs time to sink in :D See you at the parade!
I took a break from work today and biked down to the parade.
I stayed away from Civic Center and watched it from the sidewalk on Montgomery and Commercial.
I brought an old Reef Crystals 5 gal bucket to stand on and that was golden!
It was fun to see the players all casual. Huff and Burrell seemed to be having the best time, they were pounding Bud lites. Matt Cain and Brian Wilson were cool and interactive.
It was great to see Mays and McCovey in the classic cars.
Very cool SF event.
Glad I went.
Left on bikes from Pacific Heights at 10:30 saw the parade and back at the job site by 12:30.
Some bag lady is the proud new owner of the reef crystals bucket.
Watched it on TV on KTVU and it was funny watching the KTVU reporter getting ninja jumped by some Asian gal from channel 7 whenever he was trying to ask someone a question, seriously she popped out of no where with the channel 7 mic in front :D

Of course I fell asleep on the couch when they were giving their speeches, but probably for the best :D
I took my child to the parade, we got there ~9:00 and it was already getting packed, we had a good view behind three people, those persons were by the barrier and we were up on the sidewalk so I thought my son could see all of the parade mainly the players. Couple ladies in front of us suddenly decided to step up on the sidewalk and "kindly" blocked the view of a few kids.
I was expecting a double deck open top bus with the players on top so people (specially little ones) could see them; cable car buses were very SF style but kids could not see a thing.
Out of respect for people behind us I decided not to place my son on my shoulders.
Those Packard, Pierce Arrow, Olds, etc. are such beauties. We saw the full collection the day before when they were preparing them for the parade out of their home on Van Ness.
It was such a great event, am glad I took my child to it; his teacher, a huge Giants fan planned a "Field Trip" for his class and needed chaperons, of course I "kind" of volunteered but wondered if it was to be OK with 32 kids among a huge crowd; he later e-mailed us letting the parents was a no go since the principal thought it was not such a good thing.
Today, Nate Schierholtz walked in where I was having lunch and I got to chat with him for a minute.
Very nice guy! "Still getting used to the fact that they won it all"

Leaving you with the Machine
This was the Giants good luck charm. Thankfully my wife did not promise up our first born for a Giants World Series victory.
