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New CB Cardinals..

Picked some of these up at my LFS today.. Pretty kewl little guys... Hard to get a good pic of them. THey are constantly moving.. Tried a few different iso and aperture settings.. Here are a few of the results...
105mm f/5.6 iso 4000 ss 1/400

105mm f/8 iso 4000 ss 1/400

105mm f/4 iso 1600 1/320
Nice pictures -I found it difficult to get some decent pictures of mine as well :)
How many did you get? Looks like they could use a fattening up :D
Also, if you don't mind my asking, which LFS did you swoop them up from?
ya let me know. I want some. like 10. they would look cool schooling in my 240. plus my tank was wiped out from a recent cycle from dumb$h!t that I did. went from 31 fish to 12. looks empty. corals look happy though.
From the RC reef fish faq

Q.: What is this about a cardinal fish that will school?
A.: No fish offered in the trade will school in captivity. Certain species may shoal or associate with one another. Apogon leptacanthus are reported to be some of the best shoaling fish in the hobby.

Q.: Will my chromis school?
A.: No. No fish will school in captivity. With certain fish, you may get some degree of association or shoaling, but never schooling. In the wild, fish don't school because they like each other -- they do it for survival. The theory is, a captive reef system is way too small, and thus the fish feel secure enough so as not to school.

Bottom line, you will not getting "schooling" fish. You might get something that resembles schooling for a short term, but it won't last.
FYI my doz chromis do hang out together in my 120, especially when they are scared, they don't seem to be fighting with each other anymore.
If you want schooling, add a preditory shark to the tank. Make sure the tank is nice and small with little hidding places. And be sure to not feed your shark.
quick moving fish, use something closer to f/2.8, and use some auto ISO settings to keep your shutter faster than 1/(focal-length*crop)
What LFS is selling CB BC's?

BC's are not a schooling fish per say. The very fact they pair up negates the schooling aspect in a reef tank :)
I asked which LFS is selling them, as in which one did he get them at :lol: Thanks though :p