got ethical husbandry?

Acan lord Edition (No coral name)


Supporting Member
After getting this piece I made this frag shortly after a few "players" told me it was a fantastic score. I was going to toss it into the BAR member only frag swap, but I decided it'd be better served in the DBTC bank in case I lose it rather than just throw it in the swap to get picked and never heard from again.

I don't quite have a name for it, I thought about Mike's "Bleached" Acan just to keep people from picking it at the swap, but I think it's a tad too colorful to go for that :D

Must be willing to give photographic evidence of it's progress
Must be willing to spot feed these guys, not just "feed with fish poop"
Must frag this to a minimum of THREE others before trading/selling/throwing in a swap
If my colony takes a pooper, I get first dibs on any frags you make

Unfortunate issue is I only made one frag, so there's only one going in, but like most acans you feed it well it'll multiply quickly.... but I still have the colony, and if you really really want one and don't "win".. psssst... shoot me a PM, I like other pretty acans :D

Ok, here's the deal I'm going to ask for a number between 1 and 20. However I'm going to be basing my choice based upon what you've put into the DBTC program (or returned if you've returned a lot, palythoas don't count :D). The number is to break a "tie" between people who've put fabulous stuff in (I'm not really rating too much on quantity but quality of DBTC items)

The Eye Candy... er Coral
This is true to color, the rim is a bit more blue in the picture though because I'm holding it near the surface to get a better picture (i.e. near the blue/actinic supplemental lighting), but it looks pure white on the floor of the tank... and this is a super-macro shot... that detail you see, you're not going to see unless you have microscopic vision :D

Here's at least one baby that I noticed on it, so you're off to a good start, also under all that tangled mess of flesh is a glob of superglue.. so this sucker is encrusting. I think there's another baby on the other side.
I agree to all terms set forth.

Hrm, I DBTC'd a monti cap, and more recently a single acan frag? Hope that qualifies me! :)

4 please if I'm eligible
Anyone else?

For the most part people have just made it difficult since most everyone have been good contributors/returners to the program. Looks like random number generation it is... maybe I'll make it complicated too and pick a million numbers and which ever one has the least amount it was off 1 million times will be the winner.

HA! Well hell Saturday is far away, and I am a bit bored.
Damn couldn't find the fricking thread!

After much deliberation and computer code running, the lucky number is...


Which mean Bryan gets the coral.

Daniel being next closest has the option of getting the rock the coral was attached to in the hope a super tiny piece of flesh was left behind and will grow out ... or just wait until I frag another one :D