
BAR Members only swap August 14th @ Chabot College

He "discovered" old kung fu movies, then rehashed all the cliche'd scenes and waited for people to tell him how clever he was :D

Ran across a few clips from KB2 yesterday. David Carradine and Uma Thurman have no clue how to move. And the fight choreographer couldn't do anything to make either of them look good. Then on top of that, they have people waving around straight swords like broadswords, and katanas like badminton racquets?!??
ok norm, I give to you: The Last Samurai, Hero, Crouching Tiger, House of Flying Daggers...

have at it! I expect a full movie report in 20 minutes!

I actually watched House of Flying Daggers about a month ago. Again, very disappointed. Too much soap opera drama for me.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon had decent fight choreography. Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, and Chow Yun Fat don't actually know martial arts, but the directors made them look pretty decent.

Here you can see straight sword and broadsword used according to each weapons' characteristic.

I didn't even bother with the Tom Cruise movie :D

Here's a good fight scene.
Awesome, not only do you guys like reefeing but enjoy sweet movies to boot, KB 1&2 were okay, just lagged between the good scenes. Pai Mai is the best character in that movie IMO.. drunken master anyone? MODS can we get a thread split and start a "Kung Fu database " thread so we do get to far off topic here.. Also Tapatalk for bar?..
i wanna see what corals are coming so i know what to make room for..... damn you kung foo lovers.....

i dont like that you dont give jackie chan his do respect, spy next door was a oscar winning movie IMO