Neptune Aquatics

East Bay Tank/LFS Tour- April 3rd

With the tour now on for April 3rd sign up here to 'go' or 'show' or both. I will update the list on the first page of this thread. Due to small spaces the tour limit is fifteen.
I caught a quick look at Erin's tanks yesterday. I am glad I will be going back soon.

gimmito, I thought the tour might give some a nudge to come see Green Marine. Glad you are on board. I am sure there will be talk of your system construction.

Ian, glad you can join us. You are not on the list so someone else can make up the 15, but I will include you in the messages about the tour for those attending.

Hopefully we get another tour up soon on the other side of the hills. I know you guys out there are a little spread out so a day out there will be nice.

Alfred, I am sorry I did not check in with the NCRC site to check overlap. Some might plan to swing by before the tour. What is the schedule for the swap?
I live less than two blocks from Ashby BART. There is room for three people to ride with me. I could pick up on my way to the first stop, and drop off at the end of the tour if anyone wants to come to the Tour on BART.

Let me know.