got ethical husbandry?

Help make the upcoming swap the best one yet!

Hello BAR members!

BAR needs your help to make for a smooth efficient swap, as you all know we are a member run group and your contributions can make a difference.

What do we need?

A setup crew starting ~9:30-10:00, we need a half dozen people. This is a great time to get to know people before the madness of the swap starts, also there may be doughnuts involved as well as coffee.

Tony (gomer)
Steve (patchin)
Tim (TimTen)
Roberto (newhobby)
Jim (jbon)
Rommel (mellymel)
Tom (rtom)
Dudley (dswong1)

Check in crew, some folks from the setup crew may stay involved for this step. We need runners, a coral check in crew that will make sure everything is properly labeled, packaged and healthy, as well as folks to check individuals payment status and get them name tags. I'm thinking ~8 people

Steve (patchin)
Tim (TimTen)
Roberto (newhobby)
Jim (jbon)
Mike & Diane (mray)
Sherri (Lyn)
Norman (Mr. Ugly)
Tom (rtom)
Eileen (reddogz)
Gresham (GreshamH)

During the swap we'll need people in the picking area making sure folks get in and out during their rounds and answer basic questions regarding corals, MCs to help with the raffle and to call letters. For this we'll need ~10 people

Mike (SFSUphysics)
Tony (gomer)
Robin (fingerwrinkles)
Arnold (apon)
Gresham (GreshamH)
Rich (Thales)
Eric (ibn)
Chris (lordhelmet)
Christine (99sf)

Cleanup crew (many hands make for light work :) ), cleanup usually starts ~3:30, we want to continue to use Chabot so we need to leave the place nice and shiny. For that we'll need ~10 people.

Steve (patchin)
Tim (TimTen)
Bill (cookiejar)
Sergio (saltwatersig)
Dave (houser)
Jon (JAR)
Garvin (glee)
Christina (99sf)
Scott (sendo)
Bernie (sid700)

I'll update this post with the names of those willing to help assigned to the tasks they volunteer for. Please, I cannot stress enough to be specific in what you have time for, "I'm there all day" doesn't help my job of coordination, "I can help with setup" or "I can monitor the picking area" makes my job MUCH easier, thanks!
Just to make your job easier Jeremy
I can help with security duty inside the picking area (i'll bring my stun gun!)

and depending how early I get there I can help with coral foot-runner/table arrangement (or check in of people), if you get plenty of volunteers I'll take it as a sign that I don't need to be there as early, if there is a need I'll pack up and leave for Chabot a bit earlier :D
Open doors, setup, coral runner, cleanup. What kinda pre swap coral picking up looking moving type regulations are we going to have?
patchin said:
What kinda pre swap coral picking up looking moving type regulations are we going to have?

We'll have runners taking the corals from the check in to the tables, and the no touch rule during the preview (much to my dismay, I don't like the preview at all, but it seems as if I'm the only one :D )
Then I would defer to the no pre-viewing if that's the case, I've yet to go to a swap where people do not abuse that period of the swap. That's why there are people on patrol during the swap as well, numerous times I've witnessed people moving frags for "later" during the picking rounds, the pre-view is anarchy. Plus, it gives people little incentive to volunteer for the swap since those that don't get to see where all the good stuff is.
I dunno the last swap (granted BAR only swap) I let my voice be heard about the no-touch by reminding people as they came in to view, and for the most part it seemed to have worked, a few people I had to remind. But having no-touch helps to keep corals from "wandering" to locations they shouldn't, but the preview period helps give people an idea of what to look for when their turn comes around.